Writing a blog? Remember, one idea is always enough.

Writing a blog? Remember, one idea is always enough.

This idea is not the end it’s only the beginning. You’ve probably heard this before but have you heard it in the context of blog writing? You might be tempted to cram all your ideas into one blog, to amaze you reader with your knowledge but in reality a...

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Why your LinkedIn profile picture matters

Why your LinkedIn profile picture matters

Are you on LinkedIn? LinkedIn is the perfect platform for networking online. You can meet new business connections, link up with people in complimentary industries and share knowledge with those inside your own. You can also ask questions, get head...

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Social media content: How do you keep it flowing?

Social media content: How do you keep it flowing?

What do I say? (a.k.a I need help with content!) If there is one theme from businesses I hear time and time again when it comes to social media is “Yes I do know I need to use it but I don’t know what to say”. They have a Facebook page, and maybe a...

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Using a Facebook page template

Using a Facebook page template

Do you own or manage a Facebook page? The during last week, you would have received an email from Facebook letting you know that they are changing the template of pages. Don’t worry, this is not spam, it is definitely legitimate. But as always, if you...

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Is an Instagram business account right for you?

Is an Instagram business account right for you?

With around 9 million Australians on Instagram, it’s highly likely that your target audience is using this platform. And if you have a visual based business, I would guess that you are already using Instagram to market your business (but there are lots of...

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Have you used the LinkedIn QR code?

Have you used the LinkedIn QR code?

LinkedIn is all about professional connections, whether they be clients, suppliers, business friends (or even real life friends) and those random people you meet at networking events, but never really keep in touch with – except for liking the occasional...

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Top tips for LinkedIn Company Pages

Top tips for LinkedIn Company Pages

With organic reach being impacted for Facebook pages, many businesses are turning to LinkedIn Company Pages to build a community and market their business. If your target audience is on LinkedIn, then this could be a worthwhile channel for you. Like any...

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Are Facebook Lead Ads right for you?

Are Facebook Lead Ads right for you?

It seems that everywhere you turn, marketers are talking about leads, leads and more leads. It’s true, to grow your business you need to bring in new clients and so you need to attract leads in order to be able to convert them into paying customers....

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Social Media Nibbles E06: Social media for Solopreneurs

Social Media Nibbles E06: Social media for Solopreneurs

Paula O.: Hello and welcome to Social Media Nibbles. I'm Paula O'Sullivan, Social Media Strategist, and Head Possum at Possum Digital. In this episode, we have another wonderful guest, Lisa Penson, business coach and Founder of Solopreneur Success. Lisa...

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Use one piece of content across multiple channels

Use one piece of content across multiple channels

I am the first to admit that constantly creating content to feed your online marketing can be like walking through mud at times. And because we live in a society that has 24/7 access to information in the palm of our hands, it’s easy to think our efforts...

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Facebook Ad funnel Strategy

Facebook Ad funnel Strategy

Since changes to Facebook’s news feed have impacted on the organic reach of a lot of pages, more and more publishers are turning to Facebook Advertising to supplement their current efforts. And if lead generation is part of the strategy, there will...

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Facebook Advertising changes July 2018

Facebook have announced changes to some of the rules around custom audiences. They are also increasing transparency for users by allowing them to see the ads from Advertisers whether or not they are shown to them. In this Facebook live, I talk about how...

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Social Media Nibbles E05: Should you use Facebook groups?

Social Media Nibbles E05: Should you use Facebook groups?

Paula:                    Hello! And welcome to Social Media Nibbles. I'm Paula O'Sullivan , Social Media Strategist and head possum at Possum Digital. In this episode we have a very special guest: the wonderful Kate Toon. An award winning SEO copywriter...

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Using reviews to grow your business

Using reviews to grow your business

If you’re in business, you’ll know how important it is to toot your own horn to your potential customers. If you don’t say how brilliant you are at what you do, then who will? The short answers is – your customers! So let’s look at why reviews matter, and...

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Will Facebook groups replace membership websites?

Will Facebook groups replace membership websites?

On 20 June 2018 Facebook announced that it will trial the ability for Facebook group admins to charge a subscription fee for their groups. A small scale trial will help Facebook determine if this is a viable way for Facebook group admins to make money out...

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How to review your social media channels

How to review your social media channels

Social media marketing is never a set and forget marketing channel. If you’ve created a Facebook page, Twitter account or Instagram profile, you still need to regularly review how each channel is performing and make tweaks or changes to your activity. One...

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Social media image sizes

Social media image sizes

If you are setting up, or refreshing your social media channels, it's important to have the right size images. Below are the five main social media channels and the images sizes you need for each one. In this post we cover the main profile images for...

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Dealing with unsolicited private messages on Facebook

Dealing with unsolicited private messages on Facebook

More and more I find myself on the receiving end of unsolicited private messages on Facebook (and even on LinkedIn!). This seems to be an increasing trend, and can be highly intrusive. In this Facebook live, I talk about how to deal with these messages,...

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Is social proof on LinkedIn useful?

Is social proof on LinkedIn useful?

Anyone who is a social media marketer talks about the need for social proof in your social media channels. Essentially, it’s one thing to tell your potential customers how great you are, but it always sounds better coming from someone else. Traditionally,...

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Repurposing your content across your social media

Repurposing your content across your social media

This morning, I did a Facebook live on one of the most asked questions I get in relation to producing content for social media: "So HOW much content do I need to actually produce to be effect?" The short answer is that you don't need to produce a lot of...

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Should you use Facebook Groups?

Should you use Facebook Groups?

When business think of marketing on Facebook, they usually think of creating a Facebook page, posting content, and possibly doing some advertising. There is another tool within Facebook that you may want to have a look at to see if it could help you...

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Social Media Channel Plan

Social Media Channel Plan

Yesterday, I did a Facebook Live on the 4 elements you need to think about for any social media channel you use to market your business. Like any strategy, being super clear on why you are using something and knowing how it will add value to your...

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Setting up Facebook Business Manager

Setting up Facebook Business Manager

Do you use Facebook to market your business? It's likely that you have a business page, ad account (even if you just boost posts) and a pixel. And if you waste time moving from page, to ad account and back to page again, then I highly recommend use...

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Social Media Nibbles E03: Social Media Content Made Easy

Social Media Nibbles E03: Social Media Content Made Easy

Hello, and welcome to Social Media Nibbles. I'm Paula O'Sullivan, Social Media Strategist and Head Possum at Possum Digital. In this episode, I'm going to give you my five best tips and tricks for curating content for your online community. If you use...

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What metrics should I be looking at?

What metrics should I be looking at?

What metrics should I be looking at? One of the most popular questions I get asked is “So how do I know if social media is working for me?”. The obvious answer is in the increased sales and customers coming your way, but there are other metrics that can...

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