Facebook small business grants – Australia

2020 has been challenging to say the least and especially for small business in Australia who employ around 44% of the workforce.

If your business has taken a hit during the COVID19 pandemic you may be eligible for some assistance from one of Facebook’s newly announced small business grants.

If you’re in Melbourne and Sydney Facebook has, this week, opened applications for its latest small business grants, calling on Australian small businesses to apply for financial support. This round looks to release $3 million in support. It’s part of a global program worth US$100 million! It’s projected to help around 465 Australian businesses in Australia and yours could be one of them.

The grants are up to $4,000, comprising $2,500 in cash and $1,500 in optional advertising credits to use on the Facebook platform. Remember this is a grant so you will NOT be required to pay this back.

Here’s the quick eligibility check:

  • Have between two and 50 employees as of January 1, 2020;
  • Have been in business for over one year;
  • Be a for-profit business;
  • Be in Sydney or Melbourne, where Facebook has offices in Australia; and
  • Have experienced challenges due to COVID-19.

Just a quick note too: businesses do not need to have a Facebook presence (though if you don’t have one, get onto it) to apply for one of the grants, but Facebook says applicants will need to provide a business registration extract from the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC).

Applications for the Facebook Small Business Grants Program in Australia are NOW OPEN and will close on September 22. For more information: